In this activity, we will be re-making the connect four game with the Python programming language and using the Turtle Library.

Connect four is a game where two players place different counters in a frame one turn at a time. You win by getting four of your colour counters in a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).

We will write a program that will draw out the frame that the counters go into and record the clicks of the players placing a counter.

Taken and adapted from Free Python Games

1 – The frame

Go to and start a new Python project: (log into your account if you have one or create one to save your progress). Then:

Import the turtle module into your project

from turtle import *

Define a function line that takes the paramters a, b, x, y:

def line(a, b, x, y):
    goto(a, b)
    goto(x, y)

This will be used to draw the verticle lines on our frame to make the columns clear.

Define a function grid:

def grid():
    Screen().bgcolor('light blue')

    for x in range(-150, 200, 50):
        line(x, -200, x, 200)

    for x in range(-175, 200, 50):
        for y in range(-175, 200, 50):
            goto(x, y)
            dot(40, 'white')

This makes the background blue, then draws the vertical lines using the line function we just wrote and, finally, draws white dots to simulate the holes in a physical frame.

You can check your frame is drawing properly by writing the following (after and outside the function definition) and clicking run:

Screen().setup(420, 420, 370, 0)
Screen().tracer(0, 0)

2 – Placing a counter

All the code in this section should go below the grid function, and above the code starting Screen().setup...

There are two players, red and yellow. Each places a counter one after the other. We need to record whose turn it is and where the counter should go. Create two dictionaries, turns and state:

We can now use these to write the function to handle a player placing a counter. Define a function tap that takes two parameters x and y:

def tap(x, y):
    player = state['player']
    rows = state['rows']

    row = int((x + 200) // 50)
    count = rows[row]

    x = ((x + 200) // 50) * 50 - 200 + 25
    y = count * 50 - 200 + 25

    goto(x, y)
    dot(40, player)

    rows[row] = count + 1
    state['player'] = turns[player]

This function:

3 – Final set up to play the game

We need to call the tap function when we click the screen. Right at the end of all the code put the following:


That’s it. Now you should be able to play connect four against a friend.

Solution in Trinket

4 – Challenges

Solution with logic to detect full row and winner

from turtle import *
from state import *
from check_win import is_win

def line(a, b, x, y):
    goto(a, b)
    goto(x, y)

def grid():
    Screen().bgcolor('light blue')
    for x in range(-150, 200, 50):
        line(x, -200, x, 200)

    for x in range(-175, 200, 50):
        for y in range(-175, 200, 50):
            goto(x, y)
            dot(40, 'white')

turns = {'red': 'yellow', 'yellow': 'red'}
state = State()

def tap(x, y):
    player = state.player
    slots = state.slots
    grid = state.grid

    slot = int((x + 200) // 50)
    count = slots[slot]
    if count >= len(grid):
      print "No more space, try another slot"

    x = ((x + 200) // 50) * 50 - 200 + 25
    y = count * 50 - 200 + 25

    goto(x, y)
    dot(40, player)

    grid[len(grid) - count - 1][slot] = player
    last_played_cell = [len(grid) - count - 1, slot]
    if is_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, 4):
      print(str(player) + " wins")
    slots[slot] = count + 1
    state.player = turns[player]

def restart():

Screen().setup(420, 420, 370, 0)
Screen().tracer(0, 0)

class State:
  def __init__(self):
    self.player = 'yellow'
    self.slots = [0] * 8
    self.grid = [[None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None],
  def reset(self):
    self.slots = [0] * 8
    self.grid = [[None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None],

def next_cell(cell, offset):
  return [cell[0] + offset[0], cell[1] + offset[1]]

def is_in_grid(grid_height, grid_width, cell):
  return (cell[0] >= 0 and
          cell[0] < grid_height and 
          cell[1] >= 0 and
          cell[1] < grid_width)
def count_diagonal(grid, last_played_cell, offset1, offset2):
  cell = last_played_cell
  grid_height = len(grid)
  grid_width = len(grid[0])
  count = 1
  while is_in_grid(grid_height, grid_width, next_cell(cell, [offset1[0], offset1[1]])):
    count += 1
    cell = next_cell(cell, [offset1[0], offset1[1]])
  cell = last_played_cell  
  while is_in_grid(grid_height, grid_width, next_cell(cell, [offset2[0], offset2[1]])):
    count += 1
    cell = next_cell(cell, [offset2[0], offset2[1]])
  return count  

def is_horizontal_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score):
    score = 0
    for cell in grid[last_played_cell[0]]:
      if cell == player:
        score += 1
        if score >= win_score:
          return True
        score = 0
    return False
def is_vertical_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score):
    score = 0
    for row in range(0, len(grid)):
      if grid[row][last_played_cell[1]] == player:
        score += 1
        if score >= win_score:
          return True
        score = 0
    return False
def is_diagonal_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score, offset1, offset2):

  if count_diagonal(grid, last_played_cell, offset1, offset2) < win_score:
    return False
  cell = last_played_cell
  while is_in_grid(len(grid), len(grid[0]), next_cell(cell, offset1)):
    cell = next_cell(cell, offset1)
  score = 0
  for i in range(0, count_diagonal(grid, last_played_cell, offset1, offset2)):
    if grid[cell[0]][cell[1]] == player:
      score += 1
      if score >= win_score:
        return True
      score = 0
    cell = next_cell(cell, offset2)
  return False    
def is_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score):
  if is_horizontal_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score):
    return True
  if is_vertical_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score):
    return True
  #Descending diagonal  
  if is_diagonal_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score, [-1, -1], [1, 1]):
    return True
  #Ascending diagonal
    return is_diagonal_win(grid, player, last_played_cell, win_score, [-1, 1], [1, -1])

Solution in trinket