In this activity, we will be creating a Pac-Man maze game, where the user moves around a maze eating all the dots, while being pursued by four ghosts.

Taken and adapted from: Free Python Games

1. Setup

Go to to use a Trinket project that we have already created as a starter project. Hit remix (log into your account if you have one or create one to save your progress).

We have added some utility functions for you in as well as some helpful starter code in

2. Draw the maze

The starter project already has an array called tiles that contains our maze. In the array, a 0 represents a wall, and a 1 represents a path where we will add a dot for pac-man to eat.

Create a function called world after the # Add your code here comment. Remember to be very careful about the indentation of each line - for example, make sure the path.update() is lined up exactly under the for.

def world():

    for index in range(len(tiles)):
        tile = tiles[index]

        if tile > 0:
            x = (index % 20) * 20 - 200
            y = 180 - (index // 20) * 20
            square(x, y)

            if tile == 1:
                path.goto(x + 10, y + 10)
      , 'white')

This function sets the background of the screen to black, then uses the path turtle to draw a 20 pixel blue square for every tile with a value greater than zero. If a tile value equals 1, then we draw a white dot in the middle of the square.

We need to call this function. At the end of your program, add a new line to call world() so that the last two lines look like this:


3. Draw Pac-Man

We need to set a starting position and direction for Pac-Man. At the top of the code, after the line that says path = turtle.Turtle(), add the following code:

aim = vector(5, 0)
pacman = vector(-40, -80)

Then create a new function called move(). Add the following code in the gap before the line that says Screen().setup(420, 420, 370, 0):

def move():
  goto(pacman.x + 10, pacman.y + 10)
  dot(20, 'yellow')

  Screen().ontimer(move, 100)

Change the bottom of your program to look like this:


If you run the program, you should now see a yellow circle near the bottom of the maze.

4. Move Pac-Man

We need to create a new function to change the position of Pac-Man when we press a key. In the gap after before the line that says Screen().setup(420, 420, 370, 0), add the following function:

def change(x, y):
    if valid(pacman + vector(x, y)):
        aim.x = x
        aim.y = y

Now remove the # from the start of the lines near the bottom of your program. This will cause the program to listen for arrow keypresses, and update Pac-Man’s direction.

We need to move Pac-Man on every screen update. Change the move() function so it looks like this:

def move():
  if valid(pacman + aim):
  goto(pacman.x + 10, pacman.y + 10)
  dot(20, 'yellow')

  Screen().ontimer(move, 100)

5. Increase the score

When Pac-Man moves over a dot, the score increases by one, and the dot is removed. Add the following code to the middle of the move() function, so that it looks like this:

  if valid(pacman + aim):
  index = offset(pacman)

  if tiles[index] == 1:
      tiles[index] = 2
      state['score'] += 1
      x = (index % 20) * 20 - 200
      y = 180 - (index // 20) * 20
      square(x, y)

This code changes a visited square to a 2 in our tiles array, and then updates the score by one point.

We need to write the score to the screen, so change the beginning of the move() function so that it looks like this:

def move():

6. Add the ghosts

First, we need to add the starting positions of our ghosts. At the top of your code. We already have their starting positions in the starter code.

Add the following code to your move() function, so that it looks like this:

  dot(20, 'yellow')
  for point, course in ghosts:
    if valid(point + course):
      options = [
          vector(5, 0),
          vector(-5, 0),
          vector(0, 5),
          vector(0, -5),
      plan = choice(options)
      course.x = plan.x
      course.y = plan.y

    goto(point.x + 10, point.y + 10)
    dot(20, 'red')

Here, we move each ghost, as long as the new position is valid(). We then choose a random direction (random choice()).

You will notice that the game never stops if we collide with a ghost. The final part of our program is a check at the end of the move() function. Change the code so it looks like this:

  for point, course in ghosts:
    if abs(pacman - point) < 20:

  Screen().ontimer(move, 100)

The move function should now return if our Pac-Man hits a ghost, and the program will finish.


Full Code listing

The final code should look similar to this:

from turtle import *
from utilities import *
from random import choice

path = Turtle()
writer = Turtle()

aim = vector(5, 0)
pacman = vector(-40, -80)

ghosts = [
    [vector(-180, 160), vector(5, 0)],
    [vector(-180, -160), vector(0, 5)],
    [vector(100, 160), vector(0, -5)],
    [vector(100, -160), vector(-5, 0)],

state = {'score': 0}

tiles = [
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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def square(x, y):
    "Draw square using path at (x, y)."
    path.goto(x, y)

    for count in range(4):

def offset(point):
    "Return offset of point in tiles."
    x = (floor(point.x, 20) + 200) / 20
    y = (180 - floor(point.y, 20)) / 20
    index = int(x + y * 20)
    return index

def valid(point):
    "Return True if point is valid in tiles."
    index = offset(point)

    if tiles[index] == 0:
        return False

    index = offset(point + 19)

    if tiles[index] == 0:
        return False

    return point.x % 20 == 0 or point.y % 20 == 0

# Add your code here

def world():

    for index in range(len(tiles)):
        tile = tiles[index]

        if tile > 0:
            x = (index % 20) * 20 - 200
            y = 180 - (index // 20) * 20
            square(x, y)

            if tile == 1:
                path.goto(x + 10, y + 10)
      , 'white')

def move():
  if valid(pacman + aim):
  index = offset(pacman)

  if tiles[index] == 1:
      tiles[index] = 2
      state['score'] += 1
      x = (index % 20) * 20 - 200
      y = 180 - (index // 20) * 20
      square(x, y)
  goto(pacman.x + 10, pacman.y + 10)
  dot(20, 'yellow')
  for point, course in ghosts:
    if valid(point + course):
      options = [
          vector(5, 0),
          vector(-5, 0),
          vector(0, 5),
          vector(0, -5),
      plan = choice(options)
      course.x = plan.x
      course.y = plan.y

    goto(point.x + 10, point.y + 10)
    dot(20, 'red')
  for point, course in ghosts:
    if abs(pacman - point) < 20:

  Screen().ontimer(move, 100)

def change(x, y):
    "Change pacman aim if valid."
    if valid(pacman + vector(x, y)):
        aim.x = x
        aim.y = y

Screen().setup(420, 420, 370, 0)
Screen().tracer(0, 0)
writer.goto(160, 160)
Screen().onkey(lambda: change(5, 0), 'Right')
Screen().onkey(lambda: change(-5, 0), 'Left')
Screen().onkey(lambda: change(0, 5), 'Up')
Screen().onkey(lambda: change(0, -5), 'Down')
